Happy Holidays! EVL Style

There is a magical little ski town where I grew up in the winter on the weekends called Ellicottville, New York (EVL). Growing up my parents and extended family owned chalets on or close to the ski club, Holimont.

With winter here and Christmas almost upon us I get especially nostalgic about that pretty little town and what makes it so special.

If you’ve never been, the town of Ellicottville is cozy and quaint lined with shops, restaurants and bars. They are all very special and unique. The skiing and snowboarding there is great, and for my family it was only a three hour drive from home which was quite a manageable for winter weekend getaways.

But beyond the skiing, snowboarding and entertainment the most special thing about Ellicottville is what it means to me personally, which is family.

Growing up, we shared a chalet with my Aunt, Uncle and cousins. Seeing them and spending time with them every weekend growing up allowed us to forge a strong bond, that to this day remains unbroken.

I am very grateful that my family was able to offer myself, my siblings, and my cousins this experience growing up. Even though I’ve been able to snowboard at some amazing places including Whistler, Fernie, and Lake Louise Holimont, and Ellicottville will always hold a special place in my heart.

Some highlights over the years include:

– Late night wine induced discussions/debates with family

– Watching my beloved little sister Lauren from the chair lift above toppling down the hill pant-less when she decided wearing warm-up pants to ski was a good idea!

– Sneaking into my first bar, with my Aunt no-less!

– Fall Festival at Thanksgiving – The food, the beer tents, the horseback riding

– Pond Skimming at the end of ski season

– Mardi Gras EVL styles

– Late night tobogganing down Sunset Hill at Holimont

– The blueberry beer at Ellicottville Brewing Company (EBC)

– Playing endless games of charades with family and friends, and the laughter that ensued each time my special needs younger brother Jordan would blurt out the answer mid-charade.

– The rich, delicious home-cooked meals and elaborate picnic lunches at the ski hill

– Attending my sister Lauren and brother-in-law Jeff’s fall wedding right at Holimont ski hill

– Dancing like a maniac at Balloons or Madigans

To capture my family’s spirit in Ellicottville, with help from Sierra Jameson Productions I created a slideshow for my loved ones to enjoy.

This holiday season I appreciate that family is special, family is forever. The town of Ellicottville and my family’s place in it will always have a special place in my heart.


Happy Holidays!


Life According To Jordan

This is something I actually wrote last year and have already shared with many of you. I’ve chosen to use it as my second official blog post as it gives a true flavor of what I am all about. Jordan just visited me for a week recently, and every time I spend time with him I am reminded of all of the valuable lessons he has taught me, and continues to teach me about life.

Jess and Jordan

Life According to Jordan

My younger brother Jordan is classified as special needs due to a long childhood battle with leukemia which had him frequently hospitalized and heavily drugged. Through his strong spirit and determination he won his battle with cancer, but as a result of the treatment and illness he sustained lifelong brain damage.

Having Jordan as a brother has certainly kept life quite interesting. I am now 31 years old with two young children of my own and I can’t help but reflect on the valuable life lessons that Jordan has unknowingly taught me that I carry with me each day. Because of Jordan, I am a better mother, wife, and person.

#1. Be friendly and non-judgmental to everyone you meet – One of Jordan’s best qualities is that he doesn’t have the ability to judge anyone. Therefore, he treats everyone equally with no judgment.

#2. Don’t spend time worrying about what others think of you – Jordan looks different, but the great thing is that Jordan doesn’t realize he looks different. When we go out in public, everyone stares and Jordan is completely oblivious! What a wonderful quality.

#3.  Hang on to your innocence – Jordan strongly believes in things such as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. I love how throughout the years, even as my siblings and I continue to grow, our holidays are still filled with the magic of childhood, thanks to Jordan.

#4. When people least expect it, surprise them! – Jordan has an amazing ability to come up with a gesture, a speech, an action, a phrase out of the blue which is usually surprising, often shocking and totally spontaneous. It usually elicits lots of laughter.

#5. Stick with what you believe in – Although it can be frustrating at times, if Jordan believes in something (even if it is getting his own way), he does not waver and is completely uninfluenced.

#6. Trust your instincts – Jordan has an amazing ability to instinctually determine a person’s character. Usually upon first meeting them. Jordan steers clear of those who are unkind and uncaring , while he gravitates to those who are open and warm. Jordan is lucky. He is completely surrounded by love, and I don’t think that’s by mistake.

#7. Dance like no one is watching, and dance more! – Jordan LOVES music and loves to dance. He does so without inhibition, no matter who is watching and he really “feels” the music. I wish I did that more.

#8. You can do anything you set your mind to, and you can do it REALLY well – Even though Jordan is unable to live a “normal” life for a young man his age he is an AMAZING skier.  He loves to ski, he approaches every turn with utter passion, or shoots down the hill with pure, giddy enjoyment.


Welcome to my blog! Due to my husband’s occupation we move. We move a lot. I’ve always had a passion for writing, and sharing stories. My blog will mainly focus on the journey of moving, and all of the fullness of life in between!

Currently our primary residence is in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We recently relocated here from Calgary Alberta, Canada. The sequence of the moves over the past 7 years is the following:

1. Toronto, Ontario, Canada

2. Brantford, Ontario, Canada (my hometown)

3. Chicago, Illinois, USA (Naperville to be exact!)

4. Back to Toronto, Ontario, Canada (for 8 months!)

5. Calgary, Alberta, Canada

6. Current location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Along the way I’ve learned a lot about myself, my friends, family, and life in general! I suspect there will be many more moves in the future. This blog is a place where I look forward to sharing the journey!

Independence Lake, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Independence Lake, Ann Arbor, Michigan